Tired of the traditional commute? Put your commute on two wheels and join hundreds of bike commuters in our region! Learn everything you need to know to commute by bike effectively – routes, parking, public transportation bike racks, other bike commuter groups and more. You’ll find that our region is super bike friendly (check out our FAQs below). You can share the ride with other bike-minded commuters, plus you get additional benefits as well.
- Save money on gas when you bike to work or school
- Reduce the stress of driving on congested roads
- Improve your health and fitness by pumping the pedals
- Give the environment a break with reduced emissions
If it’s too late, too dark, too rainy, or too anything to safely bike home – not to worry. This ride sharing option is eligible for Emergency Ride Home service.
Ready to get started? By answering a few simple questions about your current commute, such as your work location and hours, we will create a custom Commute Options Report just for you.